

アイヴズの名言"A poor joke is better than a good one."



Jan Swafford著『Charles Ives - A Life with Music』=アメリカの先駆的過ぎた作曲家チャールズ・アイヴズの伝記、読了。



アイヴズの音楽人生については、色々言いたいことも多いけど、この読書の最大の収穫は、アイヴズが「だじゃれ」や冗談を好んでいたこと。「千住だじゃれ音楽祭」のディレクターを務める者としては、特に、アイヴズが、「洒落」ではなく「駄洒落」の方に価値を見る「駄」の精神を持っていた"A poor joke is better than a good one."という名言に出会えたことだ。


"I almost always think of him telling a joke", his grandson said, remembering his puns and fractured aphorisms: "A poor joke is better than a good one."

(Swafford, Jan. Charles Ives - A Life with Music p.425)




And there was plenty of laughter in his classes. Schoenberg was a natural clown. His stream of jokes and puns good and bad, his epigrams and apothegms, his flights of fancy, were accompanied by a repertoire of facial expressions and body-language which Newlin found impossible to convey but which she assures us was an inevitable part of Schoenberg experience.  (MacDonald, Malcolm. Schoenberg p.91)






Cage took odd jobs to earn some household money. Under the economic relief programs of the Work Progress Administration, he served as a recreation director in community centers and hospitals. He enjoyed the work, especially the music-making of the African-American children: "The Negros are astounding, and all I do is give them instruments and they play the most amazing rhythms, complex and marvelous....cross rhythms and accents off the beat, grupettos across the bar, etc." (Silverman, Kenneth. Bigin Again pp.41-42)




During his Paris sojourn of 1929-33 Varese was much in the company of Heitor Villa-Lobos, who kept open house on Sundays in the Boulevard Saint-Michel, and he participated with the Brazilian composer in improvisation sessions on Latin-American instruments. The guiro, cencerro, maracas, bongos and claves - all featured in Ionisation - are South American in origin, staples of the batucadas, popular Brazilian dances with heavy percussion accompaniment. (McDonald, Malcolm. Varese -Astronomer in Sound pp.244-245)

